
You really wanna know?

D1.  aka, Delaina (the Ginger in this relationship)

Born in Ohio - raised in Lake Mary, Florida this 5'2" ginger enjoys long walks on the beach, sand in her hair, raindrops on her nose, and a good Nicholas Sparks book.  Just kidding.  That's bullshit.  She likes to sit her happy ass right in front of the computer while waisting time on Pinterest and drinking wine.  Chardonnay preferably.

Cooking did NOT come naturally to her, but after having two boys and staying at home, there was lots of time to copy everything she saw on the Food Network.  God bless, Alton Brown.  She's now the stepmother to two more boys (yes, she has four boys under the age of nine living under her roof) and a Hubster who thinks she hangs the moon, gives her a welcomed smack on the ass and doesn't mind doing all the dishes she leaves after experimenting in the kitchen.

Things she loves:
Her husband, her best friend, Danielle (see below), her other best friends (Jessica, Jenni, Tara, Tammy, Amy, Jen, Jaime, Ann, Jana, Cherrah, Mary, Laura, Lauren, Ariel, Jen K., and a myriad of others that the hubster can't keep up with), her mom, her aunt, her three cousins (Christy, Amanda, and Wendy), Chardonnay, chocolate, watchamacallit bars, mexican food, and taking naps.

D2 (aka Danielle, if you please).

Danielle is the spicy, Latina part of this incredibly dysFUNnctional duo. She is a military brat who was born in Hawaii and a native of too many places to count – but considers Orlando and DC to be her homes. She’s 1 member of a huge, crazy Ecuadorian family and the mother of 2 gorgeous girls. Her cooking skills range from South American cuisine, Italian, American, and Asian. She learned to cook from her British momma, Ecuadorian father, Italian grandmother, and ex-husband who was not a world-renowned chef, but taught her how to make arepas… so their marriage wasn’t totally in vain.

Her and D1 go way back… like back to the 80s in fact. They met on the 1st day of 6th grade and have been soul mates ever since. They go together like cheese and macaroni, socks and shoes, peanut butter and jelly, vodka and tonic, poop and baby wipes, gingers and sunblock, Corona and lime, Cheech and Chong (minus the pot), Facebook and passive-aggression, drunken Saturday nights and confessional Sundays, Asians and bad driving, and Lindsay Lohan and her probation officer. You get the picture.
They started fake-filming cooking shows in D2’s mom’s kitchen in 1989 and the rest is history.