
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Let me rephrase myself. I’m not “from” Ohio. I was born there. I was born in September and as soon as the temperature dropped to 72 degrees, my mom got the hell out of dodge. Don’t blame her one bit. It’s witch tit cold up there.

What is a buckeye? I think it ‘s a nut. From a tree. Which is pretty close to describing myself.

Shit you’re gonna need:

2 cups of peanut butter (I used creamy. Isn’t creamy always better?)

½ stick of butter, softened (Take your finger, poke it in the fattest part of your ass and that’s how soft the butter should be. Good rule of thumb there.)

3 ¾ cups of powdered sugar (You don’t have to sift it. Seriously, I don’t want to dirty another dish, nor do I give a shit if there’s lumps. And yes, I know it’s a lot of powdered sugar, but really? Do you care? Didn’t think so.)

12 oz. bag of semi sweet morsels (I used generic and I used the mini ones. They melt faster, kinda like the ice in my vodka when it’s a 127 degrees here in July.)

2 tbs of vegetable shortening (It’s crisco smart guy.)

Other shit you’ll need to get out:

Baking sheet

Wax paper

Shit you’re gonna do:

Beat together your peanut butter and butter. Yeah, I said “beat”, moving on…once it’s combined you need to slowly add your powdered sugar. Believe me when I tell you to do it slowly. Add a little at a time. Because when I first read that way back when I didn’t know shit, I dumped all of it in and let it fly. Literally. And trust me; powdered sugar on the floor is NOT easy to clean up. (Bonus powdered sugar story right after the recipe, it’s a doozy.)

So, now you’re trying your damndest to not stick your face into the bowl of sugary goodness that you just created. You’re gonna roll this into little balls. Me? I like big balls for a couple of reasons. Let’s break that down, shall we? First, there’s a lot of this fucking mix, if I make small balls, it’ll take me more than one bottle of vino to finish. I don’t like to just stand there, playing with balls getting drunk. At least not on a Tuesday. And second, the more balls I make, the more I have to stand there and dip the bastards in chocolate. I ain’t got that kind of time. So, I made them all exactly 1 tbs each. Yes, I used a measuring spoon. Now, start rolling, lay them on your waxed paper on a baking sheet and throw those bitches in the freezer for an hour. Ooooooh snap…didn’t see that coming did you? Yeah, I’m making you wait. Girls do that.

Hop in your phone booth, bill and ted time machine and fast forward an hour. Now, before you take the balls out, melt your chocolate and shortening in the microwave. You’ll want to use a bowl that’s kind of deep so that you have enough dipping room. Start with about a minute, stir and then if you need a little more, do it in 30 second increments. Then dip your balls in your chocolate but leave a little of the pb showing. That way it actually looks like a buckeye. I used a skewer which is why it looks like a nipple of some sort. Or some other falic term. Keep these little fuckers in the fridge when you’re all done. Enjoy!!

Now…the powdered sugar story. Me and D2 were latch key kids. And during our middle school years, over the summer, we were allowed to stay by ourselves. Big mistake. But out of boredom came the best experiences of my childhood and 98% of them have D2 in the story. Wouldn’t change it for the world. So, on this particular day, we decided to pretend we were smoking. We took tampons, yes, I said tampons, emptied them (which means you take out the absorbent shit inside) and put powdered sugar in it so that it would look like we were blowing smoke. Fucking idiots.

At the time, we thought we were being smart by doing it in the kitchen. Shit was all over the floor. At least we thought ahead, right? Wrong. We were like “Oh, we’ll just mop it up.” Ummmm, guess what happens when you mix water with powdered sugar? You get icing. Sticky, white, creamy icing. THAT’S what ended up all over the kitchen floor. Hours after trying numerous amounts of mopping, our keds were still sticking to the floor. And then we’re like “Oh shit, mom’s coming home in like, 10 minutes. We’re fucked.” I don’t remember much of the outcome but I do remember her mother being pissed. She’s British and I remember spitting soda out of my nose when I heard her say “It makes me so mad I could spit.” What? My mom would be all “What the hell did you do to my fucking kitchen floor?” Two moms, two different worlds.

1 comment:

  1. my kids dropped a tray of green sprinked christmas cookies this morning on my white tile. Then the dog came to eat the pieces. My floor looked like an industrial accident..
