
Friday, July 16, 2010

I have a challenge for you...can you handle it?

Most of you either read this blog because you like to cook or you have a sick sense of humor...but I hope it's both. Let's do a little good in the world, shall we people? So, here's your challenge...

Project Fix A Treat I challenge you to cook or bake something for someone. Anyone. Could be your neighbor, could be a homeless person that always talks to himself, or it could be that fabulous man who walked by my house today wearing a silver sparkly tank top that was too tight. Your choice. But I give you seven days. Post on the facebook page what you made, who you made it for and what their response was. Let's share the love people...who's in??


  1. Mission Accomplished! I made Sheperd's pie for my friend Maggie who just got home from a conference in Chicago so she didn't have to worry about dinner her first day back. Yummo!

  2. Not sure if this counts exactly, I'll work on fitting into the rules for the next 6 days, but we took our neighbor an Edible Arrangment since she is having such a rough week.
