
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pulled Pollo en el Crock Pot-o

I’m totally fluent in Spanish. Can you tell?

This recipe came about when I had an “Oh shit. I need to cook this chicken.” kind of moment. I threw shit in the crock pot, came home, tasted it and was all “Oh shit. This is good.” So there you go.

Shit you’re gonna need:

3 chicken breasts (That’s what I used. You can use four if you’re feeling frisky. Or if you bought a package that had four in it. My pack had three. Duh.)

1 cup of apple cider vinegar (don’t use some other flavored vinegar shit. Use what I tell you.)

1 ½ cups of water

2 tsp. each of oregano, garlic salt (yum), smoked paprika and pepper. (my friend Martin introduced me to smoked paprika. This shit is the bomb and so is Martin.) (but mix all those spices together and set aside.)

Shit you’re gonna do:

Pour in your apple cider vinegar and your water into the crock pot. Add your chicken and then dump all the spices on top. If you want to give yourself a little hiney tingle, put a few more dashes of the smoked paprika on it. Then, put this shit on low for 6-8 hours and whammo. It’s done bitches!

Now, what I did, was I took out the chicken (I threw away the leftover juices because it just looked fucking gross to me) then I shredded it and stirred in a bit of bbq sauce. Then I smeared a deli roll with butter, toasted that bad boy and made pulled bbq sheekin’ samich. Holy shit. Amazing.

Another option for ya…you can shred it and put it between two tortillas with some Monterey Jack cheese and make one bad ass chicken quesadilla. Or even make enchiladas with it. If you’re a smart ass, please feel free to let us know what other ideas you have. Oh, you can also freeze it for later. I know I will.

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